Saturday, September 13, 2008

non-homeless schnebbs

First of all, the new facebook. It's not that bad. Stop complaining. Pull your head out of your butt and learn how to adjust to change.

Second, I'm not homeless anymore, so you can all calm down finally! Just take a big breath, it's ok, I'm ok, you're ok, we're ok.

Third, I am so into Blitzen Trapper right now.

I have a new house and a new car. Things are supposed to come in threes, so what is the third thing going to be?!?!?!? Exciting.

I'm kind of tired of the gay or not gay game. I want to think of a couple new games and alternate them out. Because I don't want the gay or not gay game to go away forever. I'm sure I'll think of someone good for it again and want to play it in the future.

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