Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Dog

Maybe instead of writing about how adorable and funny my roommate's dogs are, I can write about how much I want to kick them in the brain. Zillionaire was crying and barking in the room right next to me for three hours this morning while I was trying to sleep. And the other dog...the warrior king...what a little douche. He pees on the floor all the time. My roommate isn't the greatest at disciplining him. Her solution is to just keep him in her lap at all times. That's going to suck when he grows to this size.

What's up with people texting me and saying "what's up?" and then me texting back and saying "nothing...what's up with you?" and then not hearing back from them ever?

Zoe's update of the day is...........OMG Amy Poehler is sooOoOoOo preggerz!!1!11!!
That just made Zoe sounds like a 13 year old girl, but that's not what she's like at all. I'm misrepresenting her.