Tuesday, October 14, 2008

hair cut

I got my hair cut today and it's a little shorter than i wanted it to be. I kind of look like a boy.
I feel like in a week it will be fine, though.

Should I go see the Secret Life of Bees?
Reasons to not go see it - I hate Dakota Fanning. I feel like Queen Latifah is second rate about 89% of the time. It's probably going to be lame.
Reasons to go see it - I like black people. Jennifer Hudson. I heard the book was good or something. Did Oprah say that?

Should I go see Blindness?
Reasons to go see it - It looks AWESOME!!!!1
Reasons to not go see it - mediocre reviews?!?! how disappointing!

Dakota Fanning, gay or not gay? Neither, just retarded.


Anonymous said...

Dakota Fanning - Asexual
Also, if Jennifer Hudson's in the movie I would NOT go see it, because she was the very worst part of Sex and the City, and the entire time I wondered what jerk was getting fired for hiring her.

Katie said...

Dude, fuck reviews.
