Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Nobody comments on my blog anymore, except for the random onlooker like KelC DZ or Layla, who are both SUPER cool, by the way. One comment from either of them equals like 5 comments from anyone else. Of course, I'm assuming that Kelsey and Layla are random onlookers. They could be refreshing my page every hour to see if I updated again. I just highly doubt that. They have lives. Layla hangs out with shitty but crazy-popular bands (or one of them anyway), taking neat pictures and the like, while Kelsey...well, Kelsey makes art and plays on basketball teams and stuff. People who are SUPPOSED to read my blog and leave me comments don't have time for my anymore, evidently.

If I judge by Erin, no one even reads my blog anymore at all. The other day, Erin claimed to have read my Angelina Jolie post and then I randomly mentioned my old Angelina Jolie website that I made in 6th grade and she was all..."YOU MADE AN ANGELINA JOLIE WEBSITE?!" Gotcha, bitch.

When are people going to realize how exceptionally cool I am?

Sanjaya. GAY OR NOT GAY?
Pretty obviously gay, right? I can't stand Sanjaya.
If you don't know who Sanjaya is, get with the muhfuckin' times, bitch.
But omg how awesome was Gwen Stefani on American Idol this week? I can stand her. More American Idol talk to come later. I'm going to dedicate an entire post to Melinda at some point. SHE'S JUST SO GOOD!

No song of the day today. Just don't feel like it.


Anonymous said...

hay bieeyotch,
so I first read your blog before spring break, and I was all, sweet. And then after spring break I was busy and shiit and then one day I was bored and I remembered, oh yeah, Ali's blog! and since Tuesday I have read it every single day. I will make sure to comment more so you realize how much I appreciate you, cause if it weren't for crazy bloggers like yourself, the internet would be a hellhole of pure reference services and stock tips.

Is that Angelina Jolie website still around? You know, just in case I get reallly bored. it's not like I have a girl crush on her or anything.....but I would probably check out a website about her...I mEAN I'd have to be really really bored, but I'm not saying it's not a possibility

enough creepiness for one day. adieu

Katie said...

Wtf. Is he really THAT hateable? Why do i like him? I like him like i like Paris Hilton.

Anonymous said...

who the hell is sanjaya?