Sunday, March 25, 2007

"Oh Curses!" he screams with such passion.

Do I curse too much? Does it come off as trashy? I know that Erin has touched on this subject a couple of times. I really like cursing. Don't judge me.

But, I was thinking, what if my grandma were to stumble across my blog? Yeah, right, I know. My grandma can barely even use her email. BUT, when I was in like 6th grade, I made a website dedicated to Angelina Jolie because I was retarded and one day I checked the guestbook and there was a comment from MY GRANDMA!!!!1!1ONE
To be honest, it didn't seem too weird at the time, but looking back...WTF?! Was my grandma googling Angelina Jolie or something? My parents might have shown it to her. I guess that makes more sense. But still...weird.

Angelina Jolie...GAY OR NOT GAY?
She's so straight.
I know she used to have a thing with Jenny Shimizu but that's not really saying much. I think a lot of straight girls would probably have things with Jenny Shimizu if given the opportunity. Shimizu is totally hot. Speaking of those two, Foxfire was the worst movie ever. Ok, maybe not the worst ever but I recently saw it for the first time and I was supremely disappointed. Although that COULD HAVE BEEN because it was an edited-for-television version. But probably not.

Song of the day is I Want You (She's So Heavy) by The Beatles. I don't think I appreciate the Beatles enough, but this song has been on repeat all day long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont think you curse enough to be honest!

Jolie is is that friend on myspace who just takes pictures of herself half kissing other chicks just to gain points.

We need to have an aim date, like a real one where I dont forget.
